Part I: Advanced Dashboarding Concepts (3 chapters)
Chapter 1: Developing Your Data Model
- Module 1: Building a Data Model
- Module 2: Data Model Best Practices
- Module 3: Excel Functions for Your Data Model
- Module 4: Working with Excel Tables
Chapter 2: Adding Interactive Controls to Your Dashboard
- Module 1: Getting Started with Form Controls
- Module 2: Using the Button Control
- Module 3: Using the Check Box Control
- Module 4: Using the Option Button Control
- Module 5: Using the Combo Box Control
- Module 6: Using the List Box Control
Chapter 3: Macro-Charged Reporting
- Module 1: Why Use a Macro?
- Module 2: Enabling Macros in Excel 2013
- Module 3: Excel Macro Examples
Part II: Pivot Table Driven Dashboards (4 chapters)
Chapter 4: Using Pivot Tables
- Module 1: Introducing the Pivot Table
- Module 2: Customizing Your Pivot Table
- Module 3: Examples of Filtering Your Data
Chapter 5: Using Pivot Charts
- Module 1: Getting Started with Pivot Charts
- Module 2: Alternatives to Pivot Charts
Chapter 6: Adding Interactivity with Slicers
- Module 1: Understanding Slicers
- Module 2: Creating a Standard Slicer
- Module 3: Creating a Timeline Slicer
- Module 4: Using Slicers as Form Controls