Microsoft Word 2013

Microsoft® Word 2013 is designed to help you move smoothly through the task of creating professional-looking documents. Its rich features and powerful tools can make your work easy, and even fun. In this course, you'll learn how to use Word 2013 to create and edit simple documents; format documents; add tables and lists; add design elements and layout options; and proof documents.

  • Part 1 teaches readers how to create, print, and dis­tribute standard documents in Word 2013. Tutorials lead the reader through the process of creating document elements such as formatted text, columns, lists, tables, and simple graphics.
  • Part 2 discusses ways of enhancing standard document content with diagrams, charts, and other visual elements; organizing and arranging content; and saving Word files in various formats.
  • Part 3 delves into advanced techniques and tools that include creating reference elements, creating mail merge documents, collaborating on document creation, and customizing program functionality to fit the way you work.

PART 1 Get Started

Chapter 1: Introduction

In this chapter, you’ll learn about some of the different Word programs that are currently available so you can identify the one you are using. Then you’ll get an overview of the new features in recent versions of Word to help you identify changes if you’re upgrading from a previous version. You’ll explore the program’s user interface, and open, navigate, view, and close documents in various ways. Finally, you’ll explore how to get help with the program.

  • Identify new features of Word 2013.
  • Work in the Word 2013 user interface.
  • Open, navigate, and close documents.
  • View documents in different ways.
  • Get help with Word 2013.

Chapter 2: Enter, Edit and Proofread Text

In this chapter, you’ll be introduced to several of the new and improved features of Word 2013. You’ll start by creating a blank document in which you will enter text. You’ll edit the text in a document by inserting, deleting, copying, pasting, and moving it; and you’ll learn about the options you have when relocating text. You’ll find and replace words and phrases throughout a document and replace one phrase with another. Next, you’ll look up the definition of a word, replace a word with a synonym, and locate translations for other words. You’ll also personalize your AutoCorrect list and check the spelling and grammar of a document.

  • Start, enter text in, and save documents.
  • Modify text.
  • Find and replace text.
  • Fine-tune text.
  • Correct spelling and grammatical errors.

Chapter 3: Modify the structure and appearance of text

In this chapter, you’ll first experiment with built-in styles and text effects, and then you’ll change the theme applied to a document. You’ll change the look of individual words, and then you’ll change the indentation, alignment, and spacing of individual paragraphs. You’ll also add borders and shading to make paragraphs stand out. Finally, you’ll create and for­mat both bulleted and numbered lists.

  • Quickly format text.
  • Change a document’s theme.
  • Manually change the look of characters.
  • Manually change the look of paragraphs.
  • Create and modify lists.

Chapter 4 Organize Information in Columns and Tables

In this chapter, you’ll first create and modify columns of text. Then you’ll create a simple tabbed list. Finally, you’ll create tables from scratch and from existing text, and format a table in various ways.

  •  Present information in columns.
  •  Create tabbed lists.
  •  Present information in tables.
  •  Format tables

Chapter 5 Add Simple Graphic Elements

In this chapter, you’ll first insert and modify pictures in a document. Then you’ll insert screen clippings and shapes. Finally, you’ll have a bit of fun with WordArt.

  •  Insert and modify pictures.
  •  Change a document’s background.
  •  Draw and modify shapes.
  •  Add WordArt text.

Chapter 6 Preview, Print, and Distribute Documents

In this chapter, you’ll first preview a document and make some adjustments to improve its presentation. Then you’ll look at the options available for controlling page breaks and learn about problems that might occur. You’ll inspect a document for confidential information and finalize it for electronic distribution. Finally, you’ll print and email a document.

  •  Preview and adjust page layout.
  •  Control what appears on each page.
  • Prepare documents for electronic distribution
  • Print and send documents

PART 2 Document Enhancements

Chapter 7 Insert and Modify Diagrams

In this chapter, you’ll insert a diagram into a document and specify its size and position.

Then you’ll change the diagram’s layout, visual style, and color theme. Finally, you’ll see

how to use a diagram to arrange pictures in a document.

  •  Create diagrams.
  •  Modify diagrams.
  •  Create picture diagrams.

Chapter 8 Insert and Modify Charts

In this chapter, you’ll add a chart to a document and modify its appearance by changing

its chart type, style, and layout, as well as the color of some elements. Then you’ll

recreate the chart by plotting data stored in an existing Microsoft Excel worksheet.

  •  Insert charts.
  •  Modify charts.
  •  Use existing data in charts.

Chapter 9 Add Visual Elements

In this chapter, you’ll first experiment with page backgrounds, and then create text and picture watermarks. You’ll add three types of building blocks to a document. Finally, you’ll build a simple equation.

  • Change a document’s background.
  • Add watermarks.
  • Insert preformatted document parts.
  • Build equations

Chapter 10 Organize and Arrange Content

In this chapter, you’ll first reorganize a document by working with its outline. Then you’ll

modify the text-wrapping, position, and stacking order of multiple pictures in a document.

Finally, you’ll create a table to hold nested tables of information.

  •  Reorganize document outlines.
  •  Arrange objects on the page.
  •  Use tables to control page layout.

Chapter 11 Create Documents for Use Outside of Word

In this chapter, you’ll first save a document in a different file format. Then you’ll preview a

document in Web Layout view, save the document as a Web page, and make any adjustments

necessary for optimum presentation in a Web browser. Finally, you’ll create a blog

post, register an existing blog account, and then publish the blog post.

  •  Save files in different formats.
  • Design accessible documents.
  •  Create and modify Web documents.
  •  Create and publish blog posts.

Part 3 Additional Techniques

Chapter 12 Link to information and content

In this chapter, you’ll first insert two different kinds of hyperlinks. You’ll embed linked ob­jects in a document and then update the external objects so that changes are reflected. Then you’ll create and modify bookmarks and cross-references. Finally, you’ll insert three different types of fields.

  • Link to external resources.
  • Embed linked objects.
  • Insert and link to bookmarks.
  • Display document information in fields.

Chapter 13 Reference content and content sources

In this chapter, you’ll first insert and modify footnotes and endnotes. You’ll create and update a table of contents. Then you’ll mark index entries in a document and compile an index. Finally, you’ll enter source information, insert citations, and compile a bibliography.

  • Insert and modify footnotes and endnotes.
  • Create and modify tables of contents.
  • Create and modify indexes.
  • Add sources and compile bibliographies.

Chapter 14 Work with Mail Merge

In this chapter, you’ll use the Mail Merge wizard in Word 2013 to guide you through the process of creating a form letter. You’ll select a data source, add a record to it, sort it, and filter it. You’ll then add merge fields for an address and greeting line to an existing form let­ter, preview the merged data, exclude recipients from the merge, merge the letters into a new document, and save the merged file. You’ll also set up and send a merged email mes­sage. Finally, you’ll create and print mailing labels.

  •  Prepare data sources.
  •  Prepare main documents.
  •  Merge main documents and data sources.
  •  Send personalized e-mail messages to multiple recipients.
  •  Create and print labels.

Chapter 15 Collaborate on Documents

In this chapter, you’ll first review, add, delete, and hide comments in a document. You’ll track changes that you make to a document, and then accept and reject changes. You’ll have Word compare and merge three versions of the same document. Then you’ll set and remove a password and set up editing and formatting restrictions. Finally, we’ll discuss how multiple people can work simultaneously in a document that is saved on a SharePoint site.

  • Add and review comments.
  • Track and manage document changes.
  • Compare and merge documents.
  • Password-protect documents.
  • Control changes.
  • Coauthor documents.

Chapter 16 Work in Word More Efficiently

In this chapter, you’ll learn to create custom styles, templates, and building blocks, which can greatly enhance document development efficiency. You’ll explore the Word Options dialog box and experiment with some of the ways in which you can customize the program. Then you’ll modify the Quick Access Toolbar and the ribbon to put the tools you need for your daily work at your fingertips.

  • Create custom styles and templates.
  • Create custom building blocks.
  • Change default program options.
  • Customize the Quick Access Toolbar.
  • Customize the ribbon.

Duration: 3 days